Community Involvement
Valley Pentecostal Church believes in the community of Valley East and as a result has partnered with some local community organizations, services, schools and committes whether by donating goods, time, or allowing the use of our facility. We believe that "We are Better Together," and want to love on our community like Christ loves us.

Canadian Blood Services
VPC offers a location for the blood clinic to set up
and collect much needed blood donations.
If you are interested in donating blood click here to find clinic dates

Sudbury and District Good Food Box​
We are the Hanmer location for Ordering and Picking Up Good Food
Boxes from the Sudbury and District Good Food Box Program
Small Box- $8 Large Box- $17
For more information contact the office or visit: goodfoodboxsudbury.ca

Many in the VPC church family give of their time and abilities in one of the many agencies that The Samaritan Centre houses including: The Elgin Street Mission and the Blue Door Cafe.
Neighbourhood, Schools, Services, and Committees
The family of VPC is highly invested in our local schools, neighbourhoods, and committees. Our church building is used by services such as Our Children Our Future, and Canadian Blood Services, and we aim to help out our local schools through year end grants, as well as providing counsellors and motivational speakers.